With the increasing popularity of Facebook (right now there are over 500 million Facebook users worldwide), many offline companies are seeing this social networking platform as an opportunity to create on online presence and reach out to potential customers worldwide.

There are many different ways in which a business can make full use of this social network platform – Not only to reach out to potential and current customers, but also to generate sales and profits.

In this article, you will discover 3 different ways in which businesses can leverage on the popularity of Facebook to build an online presence and generate massive amounts of profits.

1. Build Community

A business can create a Facebook page with the business name to build a community within Facebook itself.

And in this community, the business can use it to reach out to potential and current customers by handling inquiries – Where potential customers can find out more about the products and/or services being offered, and current customers can use it to ask any questions that they have, or provide feedback and/or suggestion.

2. Marketing

Businesses can also make use of this social networking platform to showcase products and services that they are offering on their Facebook page. Besides that, they can also use it to educate prospective customers by telling them what each of the products and services does and how will it benefit them.

They can also use this channel to showcase any upcoming products and services, and perhaps giving some early-bird discount for people who indicate their interest to purchase it when it launches (or pre-launching it with a special discount to prospective customers in Facebook).

When used correctly, businesses can generate a huge amount of income and profits simply by just marketing their products and services on Facebook.

3. Advertising

Compared to advertising on the local newspapers, or on television, where it costs thousands (or even tens of thousands of dollars), you can reach out to an even wider audience worldwide with Facebook advertising by paying only pennies, and at the same time, reaching out to even more people than the number of people compared to offline advertising.

Businesses can make use of Facebook advertising to either create ad campaigns to help them collect information (first name and email address) of prospective customers (and following up with them via an autoresponder – By providing them with discount coupons from time to time), or directly sell particular products and/or services which they are offering.

Source by Jun Yuan Lim

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