A Quick Guide to Social Media Analytics
A Quick Guide to Social Media Analytics

You have dozens of social media accounts and publish images daily but you have little idea of how each post is performing. Being able to get that information can be vital in having a successful social media strategy.  

Why? As you need to study your consumer’s demand which helps with future planning. Yet, how do you pull all the information with different metrics from all the channels? Surely you do not have the time to do this.

What if we tell you there is an easier way. So keep reading, and we will show you how.

What is Social Media Analytics?

Being on social media is excellent, but you need content that inspires people. You want content that engages, educates, and converts them. So how do you know your media online or posts are working?

You use social media analytics to gather the hidden information for you in a structured and unstructured way. With the data, you can make informed decisions to help better your content. The tool analyzes all media channels from forums, news, and blogs to images online.

How does it Work?

Social media analytics or visual analytics use crawlers to collect information from the public.

  1. It starts with a user entering a search query
  2. The platform identifies the search finding of every query across the internet, including media channels from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to YouTube
  3. Some of these tools scan databases from online journals to offline content
  4. However, when using advanced platforms such as Talkwalker or, You Scan it analyzes data to image recognition

The AI technology can even recognize objects and scenes. It will also identify your brand logo which shows the importance of having a professional logo. You can create your own for free with this web app: https://www.graphicsprings.com/  

You Can Organize Your Information into Categories

With various filters, you can categorize your information in country of origin, language, media types, content type, sentiment, and more. Once done, it is time for some analytics with the information collected.

The next step is data visualization helping users on the platform process information from pie charts to simple graphs. Alternatively, you get complex ones in the form of a virality map. These show the post of an article, spreadsheets, to blogs across the internet.

Then there are topic clouds showing terms linked to a specific keyword from emoji, graphs, words, to hashtags. Finally, you can compare the results to other business metrics from sales figures, website conversion, and polling numbers, all depending on how you have set up your plan.

The Best Way to Use Social Media Analytics

You can use it in several ways depending on what you want to measure and track. It can:

  • Check particular words, sentences, and phrases mentioned across social media
  • You can see how much engagement your post or image received when sharing
  • In turn, you can see the sentiment towards your industry, social page, competitors, and brand
  • It allows you to check the speed of your post shared and to where it has spread online
  • You can see the number of times your logo appears in photos posted or images online
  • Lastly, you can see the discussion online about your brand compared to the competition

What Engagement Metrics Do You Get?

Here it all depends on the social measuring tools you plan to use. You can opt-in using one device that does everything for you, or you can use each social media network’s incorporated tools.

Facebook: While they do not have a built-in analytics tool anymore, you can still use the Facebook Business Suite to manage your Facebook and Instagram accounts. It provides you with insights into your content, audience, and trends.

Twitter: Using the tool helps you understand the organic and paid posts compared to similar accounts to get the most out of it.

As you can see these are some of the tools you can find to help. However, if you want a more straightforward way to keep an eye on your brand with social media, we recommend investing in one tool that does everything for you.

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