Over the past few years there has been a great number of organizations developing Web sites. This extraordinary growth in site creation and online traffic has increase the struggle for the consumer’s time and attention. However, with millions of Web sites competing for viewers, how do you get the results you are looking for? Once you get people to visit your site how do you lengthen their visit and keep them coming back. Properly planning your site will give you the best results in setting up a customer base and also with maintaining return visits.

Fresh content is the most important alternative a Web site needs. If you visit a site and the content has not been updated for several years, why waste your valuable time looking at out-dated information. There are dozens if not hundreds of sites with more recent content that a visitor can view. So it is imperative to keep your content new and current generate return visits. Also, updated content impresses customers and prospects. It demonstrates your commitment to your Web site, and also shows great respect for your customer’s time.

Incorporate freebies in you Web site. Free stuff is something everyone loves. Giving away promotional merchandise is a great way to increase traffic and most important, return traffic. When you have free items or give-away on you site, your pages can be listed and linked form other sites on the Internet that list places where people can receive free products. You do not have to give something to everyone. You can simple have a weekly or monthly drawing. When people register for the drawing ask them if they want to be notified by email with the results. That way you will have permission to e-mail them with more drawings and programs from your Web site.

Web site owners can gain and keep visitors with contests. A contest is a great way to build traffic for your site. Numerous sites hold regular contests on a weekly or monthly basis to generate repeat visitors. What type of contest you give depends upon your Internet marketing goals. If you want to attract as many visitors as possible to your site, offer items such as money, trips, computers and any popular item that is of great interest. Before you start a contest on your site, first find out if any legal issues concern you. There could be restrictions that you may not be aware off.

Coupons and discounts work very well offline as they do online especially when your target audience is bargain conscious. Internet visitors like to believe that they are getting a great deal. However, statistics show that most coupons are not never used; they only increase your site’s traffic and most important generate a considerable amount return traffic.

Providing a Tell a Friend option or button on your site will not only increase traffic to your site, but it will also add numbers to your return traffic. The best and cheapest form of advertising is word of mouth, and there is no stronger recommendation for a Web site than the approval of a friend. Also, Tell a Friend, is very functional when it comes to on-site marketing. It is cost-effective and generally low maintenance unless you are offering a reward or a prize. The majority of Web hosting companies offers their customers a free Tell a Friend option. Consult with a representative from your Web hosting provider to further research this opportunity.

There are countless forms of advertising to use on your Web site to gain and hold your visitors. However, one of the most important functions to do is to check your site’s traffic statistics. When monitoring the stats, you need to know where your visitors are coming from. This needs to be done monthly if not weekly. Your web hosting provider should offer you an analytic program that is included in your hosting package. If not, there are free analytic programs available on the Internet that you may acquire.

Source by Alfredo Valenzuela

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