Life is a series of goals and tasks, and each time we are presented with a task we are required to rise to the occasion and do our best. It is rightly said that the way to check how productive someone’s life is, is by knowing his life accomplishments. Our accomplishments serve as a proof of the work that we put in towards the achievement of a certain goal.

Life accomplishments are what you achieved through your life by dedicating your time and your efforts towards your goals. For a person like Mother Teresa, her life accomplishments are easy to see, she changed the lives of thousands of children and adults through her work. Our life accomplishments can represent what we achieved through our life. Some people work hard all their life and still have nothing substantial to show for it, simply because they did not go about it the right way. In order to have substantial accomplishments in life you need to:

o First find your purpose in life, something that you feel strongly about and have the desire to work towards.

o Once you have a goal defined in your mind you must work ceaselessly towards it without letting anything else get in the way.

Life accomplishments are very important because first of all they indicate if you have been working in the right direction or not. If after spending considerable time and efforts after a goal you still do not accomplish what you set out for it would mean that you are doing something wrong. Not being able to accomplish a goal would mean that you need to re-evaluate your strategies, find out where you were going wrong and correct it. Secondly, life accomplishments give you the much needed motivation you need in life to continue working hard. When you see the results of your hard work you know that you made a difference, you were able to do something yourself that was able to make a difference in your life and in others and it provides you with the fuel to continue with what you were doing.

Life accomplishments let others know too of your hard work and your persistence towards your goals. When you have a lot of accomplishments in life there is nothing left to explain, the results speak for themselves. Substantial life accomplishments say that you have a good determination, will power and the desire to work after your goals.

What should be remembered, however, that life accomplishments are basically accumulated over your entire life time. It takes time to accomplish something and you must not get de-motivated if for the first and second time that you worked hard and tried you were not able to get any results. Perseverance is what is required, failure is a part of life and you must learn to accept it and move on. You should not give up your efforts just because you failed once or twice. Only when you take every challenge as it comes and work hard at it till you get results, you would be able to accumulate a wealth of life accomplishments.

Source by Priyanka Trivedi

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